War with Russia

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Senior Member
Well said chimp, the Ukrainians should stop monkeying around and ape the tactics of the Afghans.
I couldn’t be bothered correcting. It’s funny.


Well-Known Member
The boundaries drawn were agreed with the Russian Federation and further supported in the signing of the Budapest agreement. Whether you are right or wrong, Russia in part would also share responsibility for that mistake. Neither of which however, explains the "nazification" of Ukraine....

A mistake Putin has been talking about overturning for a long time, as you already know.

As for Nazification , the U.S. used it's influence and intelligence services to remove the democratically electected pro Russian leader to install a far right , pro U.S. leader. Also its important to remember those pro Nazi factions in Ukraine that fought against the Russians in WW2. And before that the Western European backed White Russians that fought the revolutionaries during and after the Revolution.

The history of tensions between the two states is long and violent.


Well-Known Member
The boundaries drawn were agreed with the Russian Federation and further supported in the signing of the Budapest agreement. Whether you are right or wrong, Russia in part would also share responsibility for that mistake. Neither of which however, explains the "nazification" of Ukraine....

A mistake Putin has been talking about overturning for a long time, as you already know.

As for Nazification , the U.S. used it's influence and intelligence services to remove the democratically electected pro Russian leader to install a far right , pro U.S. leader. Also its important to remember those pro Nazi factions in Ukraine that fought against the Russians in WW2. And before that the Western European backed White Russians that fought the revolutionaries during and after the Revolution.

The history of tensions between the two states is long and violent.


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
I thought about posting this effort by the Home Office to demonstrate which refugees are welcome on the wordle thread over the road.

But I decided to leave the mods in peace....

I saw that and couldn't think of words to adequately describe how I felt about it.

Deleted member 121

Interesting argument of yours that. So a Jew can't associate with neo-nazis, just like Israel can't possibly be an apartheid regime, or can they?

I don't know what you read from Putin's grievances, but I read it as a near perfect parallel to the Cuban missile crisis, with the shoe on the other foot. The difference is Zelensky is stupid enough to want to be a NATO poodle if not member despite no one else is prepared to shed a single drop of blood for Ukraine, so Putin will simply replace him and his government, without us having to risk seeing WW3.

Are you saying Zelensky is a neo-nazi? You can't rebuke an assumption with another assumption... We will end up in circles. Happy to be educated on the fact, if it is indeed one...

How is it a near perfect parallel to the cuban missile crisis? Where are the nukes?

And yes, Putin will replace him. At best there will be a sham election, but either way, he'll be just like that Lukashenko character. Leading his people to an oppressive future for the new generation of people as we have seen in Belarus. Good eh?


The rest of your post is based too much on personal feelings that begin to wonder off topic to be worthwhile of a response here. I would be happy to debate you further if you wish to on the virtues of a multipolar world and whether Xi and Putin are good for their people or not in a new thread on the subject.

I will however invite you to comment on the potential notion that Putin is actually engaged and motivated by a religious war in Ukraine in a bid to capture the holy land of Russian Orthodoxy. Kyiv being a very important place in this respect. This has been suggested based on his 40 minute ramble on his address to his people. Any thoughts?
Putin is a fascist. He stands for right wing Christian nationalism which sees Muslims, homosexuals, trans people, migrants and Jews as the enemy. These are the groups that face most discrimination in modern Russia. He is admired by the nationalist fascist right around the world including Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, Nigel Farage and Laurence Fox. None of them will directly condemn Putin instead blaming the invasion on too much "wokeness" in the West for Putin's megalomania.


Senior Member
Just last Year Israel 🇮🇱 bombing Palestine 🇵🇸 not once, no sanctions, no press conference and no statement to condemn them.
Just when Russia 🇷🇺 began their quest in Ukraine 🇺🇦 everyone is condemning them left and right.. talking about double standards.
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