Sounds a bit like the "it will be over by Christmas" of WW1 fame, 4 years later, and, a few millions dead.....
Yeah altough the rumors goes that Russia will be out of money in about 10 days if they keep up this rate... on the other hand the creep of Belrusia is already talking about WW3 so lets hope for the best, the stock markets in Russia are a total mayhem this morning despite Russia's efforts.
They may well have believed when they were tootling up and down the border, on their own side, that they were taking part in exercises, however, once you start loading live rounds into your rifle, heading in the same direction as the missiles that are flying overhead, shooting at people, that are shooting back, and people are dying around you, my guess is that you'd figure out pretty quickly that you weren't on exercises anymore.
Sure but when you say that i get reminded by an (and i have seen many) documentary about tjernobyl the journalist was calling the firefighter who went in the plant to change something to try to stop the fire a hero, to which his response was ''it was sovjet Russia there was no heroism you did what you where told. I think that to an certain extent that also applies today to the Russian Army it's sure as hell not compareable to any european country. But yes partly you can also say it's their responsibility as well they took the order and executed it.
This response was in a draft since yesterday evening, in the meantime i found this article:
Giving more insight in the store behind it. Not that i don't no the newsmedium in a quick search it seems to be linked to pro-freedom/against putin Russians but they say themselves to aim on as unbiased reporting as possible.
and still of the opinion that if NATO had got it's arse in gear, and mobilised early wouldn't be in this mess.
Also, am still firmly of the opinion that the Russian military is a shadow of its propoganda. Much of their equipment is old and outdated compared to NATO which has both numerical and financial superiority.
In this case it might have been, they are doing a lot now, but still think they can prevent getting involved, the frequency in which Putin and the Belrussian creep are using de term ww3 makes me think they have well planned.
But the Nato's army is much more modern, the bigger complication of a war with Russia would be China picking their side, but considering their choice to abstain in the un security council makes that less likely.
Furthermore there are plenty lessons from Russia's own history that shows that taking cities from a well organised patriotic defence is a very blood-heavy endeavour.
The point about conscripts and the morale of the Russian forces is a good one. IIRC a few years back they were not even being paid properly such were the state of tge countries finances.
Not only Russia for that matter very few armies have succeeded in such a war. It renders material more of a burden then a usefull tool, and sets the invader on the backfoot as locals are more likely to known every corner and alley. In some towns Ukrainian changed the roads signs sending the russians in Circles for example.
Russia's people are poor. Living conditions for the majority are low by western standards. I can't see them wanting more millions of Roubles spent fighting a war few Russians want. Also there has been a big generational shift since Putin came to power. The young, the travelled and the educated don't care about the USSR, they have grown with the internet, with freedom to travel internationally, they see through Putins lies. Hopefully now their time will come.
So despite the propaganda, I don't belive this is playing that well at home. The world is united in its condemnation, and those 'close' to Putin are feeling their livelyhoods seriously curtailled and realise Russia is about to become an economic basket case. Even China seems embarrassed into silence.
Putin is a cornered rat. This is his last throw of the dice, his Chechna. The west needs to steady the buffs, support Ukraine and others in the region in any way possible. The only remaining question is how many on both sides need to die before Putin's days are over.
It's a bloody mess but freedom can and will prevail.
The problem is also that those poor poeple don't have the money to travel, so they don't see a lot other than what the Kremlin is telling them, that why they block social media and any other news channels reporting about everything they don't particularly like.
The young was seen protesting at some times until they where all thrown in jail, to learn them in Russia it's better to shut up instead of speak out.
I really hope it's his last throw of the dice, i remember we tought that before but he found a little hole and crept (or creeped) up again