War with Russia

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Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me
As I said, pinhead dancing.

Yes you are pinhead dancing and you know it..........people in the uk in the last 50years or so have not been dragged from the streets or their houses and given papers to serve their country, like is currently happening in Russia, just to appease a brutal regimes sick fantasies.

And you damn know it
Russian terrorist/sabotage attack on Nordstream 1 near the Island of Bornholm. Putin's panic is leaving no stone unturned to damage Europe....

Swedish seismologists registered explosions near the Nord Stream pipelines – reports​

The Swedish national broadcaster SVT is reporting that seismologists registered explosions near the Nord Stream pipelines in the last 36 hours. In a report published in the last few minutes it said:

SVT can reveal that measuring stations in both Sweden and Denmark registered strong underwater explosions in the same area as the gas leaks on Monday. ‘There is no doubt that these are explosions,’ says Björn Lund, lecturer in seismology at the Swedish National Seismic Network, SNSN.
The first explosion was recorded at 2.03am on the night of Monday and the second at 7.04pm on Monday evening.
The warnings about the gas leaks came from the maritime administration at 1.52pm and 8.41pm on Monday, respectively, after ships detected bubbles on the surface.
SVT has obtained the coordinates of the measured explosions and they are in the same area where the gas leaks were registered.
It further quoted Lund saying of the measurements: “You can clearly see how the waves bounce from the bottom to the surface. There is no doubt that it was a blast. We even had a station in Gnosjö that picked this up.”
That wasn't a war, that was more of a dust-up.
''More than 3,500 people were killed in the conflict, of whom 52% were civilians, 32% were members of the British security forces and 16% were members of paramilitary groups.[10] Republican paramilitaries were responsible for some 60% of the deaths, loyalists 30% and security forces 10%.''(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Troubles)

Just a dust up? really?

Deleted member 49

That wasn't a war, that was more of a dust-up.

Craig the cyclist

Über Member
The military was there to gain political goals by force, not to supply humanitarian aid, not as an peace force. So in my book that's what you call a war.

I fear this is a whole 7 threads on its own. In the blink of an eye we will have people talking about potatoes, land grabbing and servitude.

The most recent Troubles were not a war. That is a fact.

Now let's just get back to running away and leaving your wife and child to face the music bravely making your way across Europe.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
My point was to refute your statement about people not being called up to defend their country after 1945.

As well as Korea, which you correctly identify, there was action for National Service men in Malaya, various parts of Africa and Cyprus where my other half's uncle was shot at by EOKA guys.

Very true, wasn’t Aden a bit exciting too?
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