Yet more Tory sleaze….

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Fab Foodie

Fab Foodie

He's also got an intensely annoying writing style.
And speaking style....

Craig the cyclist

Über Member
Proroguing Parliament unlawful
Patel's immigration Bill violating international law
Downing Street parties investigated and individuals fined by the MET
NIP as above, specific and limited

Craig's working up to his big gotcha moment with this one, stand by your beds.
No big gotcha moment, just waiting for something criminal.

qigong chimp

Settler of gobby hash.


Über Member

Craig the cyclist

Über Member

Anyway, I thought you were pushing the credible alternative angle?
To be honest, right now, just a straight answer on anything will do. I don't mind if you want to name a credible alternative or which of the things that offend you were criminal.

you wanting to argue semantics?
It isn't really semantics though is it? A proven criminal charge will most likely end you up in prison having been through due process, investigated, interviewed under caution, charged, put on trial and convicted by a jury most likely. None of your list falls in to that category, so they are not proven criminal behaviour (or whatever you wrote) are they?


Über Member
It isn't really semantics though is it? A proven criminal charge will most likely end you up in prison having been through due process, investigated, interviewed under caution, charged, put on trial and convicted by a jury most likely. None of your list falls in to that category, so they are not proven criminal behaviour (or whatever you wrote) are they?
There it is, you didn't disappoint.

Craig the cyclist

Über Member
There it is, you didn't disappoint.
That was no big gotcha moment, it was a simple enough question. I think we can all see that your hyperbole around their 'criminality is proven' is just nonsense.

It is odd that accurate language is vital on here, unless it is aimed at the Government, then you just say anything and everyone agrees!
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