Yes you did..As a total none believer, I don’t agree with one word @Unkraut says, but, he has the right to believe it and say it (IMHO). You dismissing it as “garbage” says more about you than him.
Oops! Think I misplaced the ball for a minute there.
But you're 'allowed to' right ??

It's not the 'religious beliefs'
They're none of my business.
So long as they don't impinge on my life.
Currently they do threaten to impinge on the lives and rights of half the population of the US.
You'll have to excuse me if I find that a 'bit annoying'
It's actually the offensive stuff (supposed facts) about abortions, and the people that support free access to them that I take issue with, not private religious beliefs..
Please see above.I agree with BL.
The rationale set out by @Unkraut is completely foreign to me as an unbeliever but that's the sort of theory that's driving US States.
It's usually helpful to understand how your opponent thinks...
'My opponent' and his cohort have been telling us how they 'think' for far longer than is necessary.
They can stay out of our private and personal medical business..
Some support on that ..
Rather than "well there's two sides to all this" would be 'nice'...
But clearly too much to expect..
However it looks like the majority of people in the US are also on the side of women's bodily autonomy, rather than forced pregnancy .
How this plays 'democratically' (sic) in terms of influencing the decisions of Supreme Court idk..