General Election 2024....

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Deleted member 159

Now the practical costs, you, me and every other tax payer spending £8,000,000,000 per year rising to 12,000,000,000 per year in 2026 to house illegal immigrants in the UK


Elder Goth
It's often a lot harder than it should be. Phone calls to make new claims go through a gatekeeper. If they think the claimant won't be entitled they refuse to even take an actual claim. They also refuse to speak to reps unless we're actually with the client, which in a large rural area is rarely possible.

I don't disagree at all with you there. Hadn't really thought of it from a rural perspective.

Deleted member 159


So you're happy paying an extra £170 per year, rising to £320 in 2026
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Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
'Pensioners' covers a huge range of people, many of whom are not struggling at all and to whom the Winter Fuel is a nice gift rather than a necessity (I am one), but there are also many pensioners not eligible for benefits but on basic pension, sometimes, with a pittance of a private pension, for whom the payment makes a huge difference to whether they are warm or cold in the worst of the winter.

This change was rushed through early in the Government's term because they know people will have short memories when it comes to the next GE and more time should have been given for deciding what should be a more suitable income level to remove it.

To answer your question, removing the Winter Fuel Payment is very simple compared to the rather more complicated clamping down on tax dodgers...and the poorer pensioners cannot afford lawyers and accountants to get around things.

Thank you for the explanation.

Reeves also made much of putting an end to the Non-dom status, would that be complex too?
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Über Member
I'll correct my numbers £11,000,000,000 in 2026 and £6,400,000,000 this year from this interview

Illegal, is anyone who hasn't applied for a visa of any type and is here in the UK.


He’s talking about the bill for handling asylum seekers, and it’s not illegal to seek asylum, as you know.

If the Tories or the current government implemented a safe, fair and manageable system of asylum claim handling, there wouldn’t be this expensive backlog of cases. Get them processed, and let refugees work and pay taxes.

All this would be better discussed in the broken asylum system thread.

Deleted member 159

Anybody who has arrived without necessary approved visa, is classed as an illegal immigrant.

Illegal migration act 2024.

They are not asylum seekers. They have passed through multiple safe countries en route to the UK


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Safe countries

Rusty Nails

Country Member
Thank you for the explanation.

Reeves also made much of putting an end to the Non-dom status, would that be complex too?

More complex than stopping the Winter Fuel Payments, but probably less complex than stopping tax dodging. HTH.

Of course I think it's a total failure and a sign of duplicity and/or incompetence that she hasn't done all of the above in the first month. Sheeesh, how much time can it take for a simple bit of paperwork?
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