War with Russia

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All uphill

Active Member
Problem is, Russia would probably only settle for a border at the current front line, which will never fly with the Ukrainians. Russia can not really occupy and hold the whole of Ukraine, but they can and are callous enough to raze to the ground whatever they can’t hold. They need to lose and be seen to have lost.


Putin will present any compromise as a win, remain in charge and then come back for more in two or three years time. He needs to be seen to lose.
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Master of the Inane Comment
You know what 'former' means, right?

It's amazing the difference -ly can make. Well spotted!

Going into a lay-by for a moment we used to take it in turns to be 'victim' and have our translations pulled apart. It was very easy to see everyone else's mistakes not though your own. 🙂

Deleted member 49

Putin "I want to end to the war"
Zelensky "No negotiations or concessions with Putin"
So it goes....


Über Member
Putin "I want to end to the war"
Zelensky "No negotiations or concessions with Putin"
So it goes....

The difficulty is that anything but unconditional surrender by Russia would mean that we would be in the same situation in a few years time. On the other hand, there may not be much of Ukraine left by the time Russia accepts any terms.

Fark humanity, could someone stop the planet, I'd like to get off, please.


If Xi Jinping tied it in to something almost only China can accelerate, just maybe enough victories could be found.
China is 90% the manufacturer of the green future so obviously they need to be central to a co-ordinated green manufacturing and implementation strategy.

There needs to be a way of getting countries to work together. If the west goes fully green without world co-ordination then the west of the world receives all the polluting fuels making certain our world ends. Getting Putin, Xi, Zelenski and others to be our saviours is at least a path. Contested areas of Ukraine need to be turned into success, not dead zones.

Saying that, gas usage might well be down now considering fewer can afford to use it.

Deleted member 49

The difficulty is that anything but unconditional surrender by Russia would mean that we would be in the same situation in a few years time. On the other hand, there may not be much of Ukraine left by the time Russia accepts any terms.

Fark humanity, could someone stop the planet, I'd like to get off, please.

Putin "I want to end war, so stop resisting and let me steal your country"
So there's no end in sight.
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I read that as China willing to help Putin sound like he might be reasonable while not actually doing anything to stop the war.
Unlikely most comments indicate that China wants this war to end. Then certainly don't want to be included in the sanctions for aiding Russia.
To be honest have you heard any realistic terms of ending it from either Putin or Zelensky ? Unless someone or something changes or conpromises is it just going to go on and on.
Was there not something from Turkey early on?
What do you call realistic terms? Ukraine was very clear in the beginning, they want their country back, now they also have the demand that Putin steps down, but if they have their country back i don't think they would march to Moscow to enforce that. they aren't Russians after all.

Putin "I want to end to the war"
Zelensky "No negotiations or concessions with Putin"
So it goes....
Nope, before the last summit, Russia was pushing in all big media they wanted peace negotiations however this was an lie, if it would be agreed upon they would have used it to replenish their forces and they would have found a false narrative to break it later on.
When it became clear they didn't get their way, over a 100 missles and drones hit Ukraine's energy infrastructure and civilian targets.
and surprise surprise a Christmas ceasefire was also rejected by the Russians.

Any peace deal they Russians signed under Putin has been breached, you can't trust them it's that simple.
What sort of compromise do you think should be acceptable, given the genocidal war crimes that Putin is committing?

The same kind of compromise "we" have accepted with respect to America's "war crimes", perhaps?

Beyond the royal "we", think it is also important to remember that outside the "West", the stance with respect to the war's cause and conduct is somewhat less partisan and more nuanced, if you will (e.g. they remember the famous "shock and awe" tactics a certain country was very proud of, against some dark-skinned targets). To put it in perspective, countries that are sanctioning Russia (in yellow below) represent c12% of the global population:

Sanctioning countries.jpeg

Are they mad? They are, if you can also reconcile how "we" cast this fight (and "our" other fights around the world) as a fight of "democracy vs autocracy" with:


To answer the question as to what might be the eventual compromise acceptable to the participants in this proxy war when they all have had enough (which can take years if not decades - just look at Korea), I see no reason why it can't go back to something like a Minsk 1/2. It is because in terms of overarching status (if one can tune out the rhetoric and accusations) it remains impossible to argue against the fact that "Ukraine will either be Permanently Neutral or Permanently Divided".

In the meantime, keep warm, keep safe!


Über Member
The same kind of compromise "we" have accepted with respect to America's "war crimes", perhaps?

Beyond the royal "we", think it is also important to remember that outside the "West", the stance with respect to the war's cause and conduct is somewhat less partisan and more nuanced, if you will (e.g. they remember the famous "shock and awe" tactics a certain country was very proud of, against some dark-skinned targets). To put it in perspective, countries that are sanctioning Russia (in yellow below) represent c12% of the global population:

View attachment 2728

Are they mad? They are, if you can also reconcile how "we" cast this fight (and "our" other fights around the world) as a fight of "democracy vs autocracy" with:

View attachment 2729

To answer the question as to what might be the eventual compromise acceptable to the participants in this proxy war when they all have had enough (which can take years if not decades - just look at Korea), I see no reason why it can't go back to something like a Minsk 1/2. It is because in terms of overarching status (if one can tune out the rhetoric and accusations) it remains impossible to argue against the fact that "Ukraine will either be Permanently Neutral or Permanently Divided".

In the meantime, keep warm, keep safe!

I oppose Russia in this war for exactly the same reasons I opposed both gulf adventures and the rest.

It may seem to "non aligned" countries that Putin is sticking it to the west in this war, but they should realise that China/Russia/India will not be any better masters than the US/Europe were.
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Deleted member 49

What sort of compromise do you think should be acceptable, given the genocidal war crimes that Putin is committing?

The only ending has to be one the Ukrainian people find acceptable; it's their lives and their country.

I, for one, am glad to see that the West is not imposing an ending that suits western governments' interests. We all know how that ends.
So it gets decided on the battlefield.....more arms please.
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