War with Russia

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All Putin has ever been bothered about is holding onto power.
The war was born out of his insecurity.

I do hope he's feeling better about that now....


Well-Known Member
Chucking Russia out of Swift was insane. Now Putin has BRICS with all his cronies, devaluing the US dollar. Things are going to become a lot worse, there’s no bargaining now. Borris told the coke sniffing dust mite leader of Ukraine not to negotiate any peace with Vlad the impaler.


The Russian generals will certainly want an end to the war and rid of Putin.

However fear and incoherence will certainly prevent that. The miracle that also will not happen is that Russian recruits switching sides also to end the war. Prigozhin was stupid and should have known that, on the point of no return, marching on Moscow was his only hope.
The Russian generals will certainly want an end to the war and rid of Putin.
Depends on which one and Putins knows that so he surrounds himself with those who agree with him. Thats why Prigozhin had to go.
However fear and incoherence will certainly prevent that. The miracle that also will not happen is that Russian recruits switching sides also to end the war. Prigozhin was stupid and should have known that, on the point of no return, marching on Moscow was his only hope.
You have the 'freedom of Russia legion and a few other units part of the ukranian army existing out of Russians who switched sides ad Russians who want to bring down Putin. It or however nowhere near the numbers to make a dent. Prigozhin should have pressed on when he had the change, alltough Russia under Prizoghin wouldn't have been any better than it is now(more likely worse)
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